I know this has been asked here before but the search feature on these forums isn’t very good, so I’m asking again:
I have to start running Windows 10 Pro machines here. My version of avast! (Business Protection Plus 8.x with SOA) won’t work with Win 10; Win 10 will just uninstall it.
I have a pre-paid license that’s good through June 2021. My understanding is that I should be able to upgrade the license and get the new software at no additional cost.
So I need to upgrade my license and get a download for a version that works with BOTH Win 7 and Win 10. I do NOT want the cloud system; I’ll run my own server.
I’ve contacted my reseller but as usual they are almost completely unresponsive. How do I get avast! to take over this process for me so I can get this done?
This certainly does look helpful. However, I am pretty confused about the order in which these steps must be done, since each document seems to include most or all of the instructions from other documents. It seems to me, for example, that I can’t do anything with the clients until I first have a management console for the new version, and I can’t have such a console until I have a new license that I can plug into it. Also, it seems like I would have to do all of the console setup “offline” (that is, not connected to the machines on the network that will get the new clients), or those clients will be confused.
Can you maybe post a very simple numbered list of tasks in the correct order without any details, like this:
All the migrations we have done were manually. We never use the automatic procedure to migrate (import) from SOA or AEA to Avast Business Management Console.
What we do is:
[ol]- Request AVAST Software the licenses code for Avast Business.
Create the Avast Business Management Console Cloud account and active the licenses code.
Generate and donwload the installer (.exe) for Avast Business client.
Install Avast Business on the Avast Endpoint Protection devices (some devices need to be uninstalled firts using Avastclear because the standar installer cannot uninstall Avast Endpoint Protection correctly).[/ol]
I had asked my reseller for help with this three weeks ago. He finally responded this week with the statement that my “license has been migrated and I am trying to understand why”. That was three days ago.
I don’t know what that could even mean.
I don’t want to cause confusion by going to avast! corporate to request a license upgrade while the reseller is still looking at it, but he is very very slow.
If I open the license doc in Notepad is there anything in there that would help me understand if my current license supports the new version?
Okay, I have the on-premises business console up and running and I’ve created an install file.
I believe I can figure the rest of this out now, but I do have one question:
Can I continue to run BOTH my Endpoint Protection Suite SOA, and my new avast! Business on-premises console, on my network, as long as I do not have the same machines managed by both systems? For example, I:
Uninstall Endpoint Protection 8.x from machine “ROGER”
Delete “ROGER” from the SOA console group
Upgrade “ROGER” from Windows 7 to Windows 10
Run my new installer on “ROGER” and point the client to the new avast! Business console
Meanwhile the old SOA continues to run and serve the other Win 7 machines on my network.
They would both be operating on the same license, so I assume I must also make sure I don’t exceed the number of licensed machines combined for both systems.
Can I continue to run BOTH my Endpoint Protection Suite SOA, and my new avast! Business on-premises console, on my network, as long as I do not have the same machines managed by both systems?
Yes, you can, even we have some customers using the same server/IP with both consoles installed on it. There is not problem. Both systems are independent. Same with the licenses, every console control its licenses.