

needDirectory/FilepathNameSoFileXfersWithIMsCanBeScannedFor Viruses

Just installed MSN Messenger 6 instant messenger Preview version and was configuring it and came up on which AV program do I want to use to scan incoming transferred files (pictures, whatnot)

Don’t know which executable to use cause I saw a few. Using latest Avast 4 Home edition (I check for Avast prog and definitions quite often)…(oh, when I installed it, I remembered accepting the default directory…so could you specify/type the exact path for me…and if relevant to u, using WinMe)

Thanks in advance (think prog is great! haven’t had any problem with it like i read in forum)


hey waldo!

sorry for not having gotten back sooner but just wanted to say thanks for your response/help!!

best regards,

p.s. if that’s cameron, that’s pretty cool…u gonna check out Charlie’s Angels sequel?

I think so…Not for “Charlie”, but only for the “Angels” :wink:
