With an upgrade in the last 24 hours or so to avast Free 6.0.1203, Network Shield has started blocking access to files on Yahoo Groups. An example message:
You have to be a member of a particular group to access the file at that particular URL and the URL will likely change - Yahoo has been randomizing or dynamically encrypting that long middle part for a long time.
I suspect the latest avast update introduced some new rules in Network Shield that are being broken. It’s unlikely that overnight Yahoo Groups has become unwittingly reprogrammed to incorporate something malicious in its files URLs.
Until this false detection is fixed, I have to turn Network Shield off in order to use the Files area of any Yahoo Group.
There is an on-line contact form, http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles for: * Sales inquiries; Technical issues; Website issues; Report false virus alert in file; Report false virus alert on website; Press (Media), issues.
If you are reporting an FP, then you get another input field open, click Browse button and navigate to the file or enter the web URL for the URL you wish to submit for review, etc.
Thanks, DavidR. I posted a ticket before posting to the forum. If volume of tickets affects priority of attention, woul all others with this problem also submit tickets, please?