NetClient Install Error

NetClient remote install worked for one system and now 2 more installs error out.
This log is from the client, as ADNM seems to be able to push some files to the local workstation.

02/20/07 15:10:09: InstSvc begin
02/20/07 15:10:09: avast! Remote Install Service
02/20/07 15:10:09: Setup CmdLine: “C:~AVINSTL\setup.exe” /forceinstall /createprogress /sfx /sfxstorage “C:~AVINSTL”
02/20/07 15:10:09: Setup exit code 0x00000015
02/20/07 15:10:09: CopyFile D:\AVAST\Setup\Setup.log C:~AVINSTL\Setup.log error 21
02/20/07 15:10:09: InstSvc end 0

This is the log from the ADNM server (I have replaced my domain and computer names with DOMAIN and COMPUTER):
02/20/07 15:10:03: rinstInstall begin
02/20/07 15:10:03: Init 50 60 D:\WINNT\TEMP\asw162.tmp D:\Avast4\ManagementTools\InstPkgs NULL D:\WINNT\TEMP\asw161.tmp 0
02/20/07 15:10:04: Store
02/20/07 15:10:04: Domains: *,
02/20/07 15:10:04: Init DOMAIN\COMPUTER
02/20/07 15:10:04: COMPUTER: GetAccount
02/20/07 15:10:04: COMPUTER: Queueing
02/20/07 15:10:04: StartThread
02/20/07 15:10:04: Loop
02/20/07 15:10:04: SpawnThreads
02/20/07 15:10:04: COMPUTER: StartSetup
02/20/07 15:10:04: COMPUTER: Connecting
02/20/07 15:10:05: COMPUTER: Copying files
02/20/07 15:10:05: COMPUTER: Copying aswISvc.exe
02/20/07 15:10:05: COMPUTER: Copying Admin.ini
02/20/07 15:10:05: COMPUTER: aswResp.dat not present
02/20/07 15:10:05: COMPUTER: Copying Tasks.xml
02/20/07 15:10:05: COMPUTER: Copying setup.exe
02/20/07 15:10:06: COMPUTER: Copying setif_av_net-28c.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:06: COMPUTER: Copying setup_av_net-28c.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:06: COMPUTER: Copying av_net_agent-ae.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:06: COMPUTER: Copying av_net_cmn-36.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:06: COMPUTER: Copying av_net_dll409-62.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:06: COMPUTER: Copying av_pro_dll409-15b.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:06: COMPUTER: Copying av_pro_hlp409-28e.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:06: COMPUTER: Copying av_pro_skins-13.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:06: COMPUTER: Copying av_srv_core-27b.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:07: COMPUTER: Copying av_srv_dll-12b.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:07: COMPUTER: Copying avscan-27b.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:07: COMPUTER: Copying winsys-2.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:07: COMPUTER: Copying winsysgui-2.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:07: COMPUTER: Copying vps-71500.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:08: COMPUTER: Copying vpsm-71500.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:08: COMPUTER: Copying news405-32.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:08: COMPUTER: Copying news409-32.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:08: COMPUTER: Copying part-prg_av_net-28c.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:08: COMPUTER: Copying part-vps-71500.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:08: COMPUTER: Copying part-news-4b.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:08: COMPUTER: Copying part-setup_av_net-28c.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:08: COMPUTER: Copying prod-av_net.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:08: COMPUTER: Copying jollyroger.vpu
02/20/07 15:10:08: COMPUTER: Copying servers.def
02/20/07 15:10:08: COMPUTER: Creating service
02/20/07 15:10:09: COMPUTER: Starting service
02/20/07 15:11:04: COMPUTER: ReadProgress
02/20/07 15:11:04: COMPUTER: Finished with error 0x00000015 in remote setup
02/20/07 15:11:04: COMPUTER: ReadLog
02/20/07 15:11:04: COMPUTER: CopyFile \COMPUTER\C$~AVINSTL\Setup.log D:\Avast4\ManagementTools\DATA\log\DOMAIN_COMPUTER.log error 2 (The system cannot find the file specified)
02/20/07 15:11:04: COMPUTER: RemoveProgress
02/20/07 15:11:04: COMPUTER: CloseConnection
02/20/07 15:11:04: TerminateAll
02/20/07 15:11:04: rinstInstall end 0

I made sure that:
The Domain/Account user/pass settings were correct. (I tried both local and domain admin accounts)
The clients in question (so far) are WinXP SP2 but the firewall is disabled.
Simple file sharing (local) was unchecked in Folder Tools.(Doesn’t work with it checked either)
There is an install package in the InstPkgs Directory.

Any help would be appreciated,


Is there still the file C:~AVINSTL\Setup.log on the target machine?
If so, can you please post its contents?


PS. are you really from Crescent City? :slight_smile:

The log file from my previous post is the only one I see on the workstation.

On the workstation:

aswISvc.log (the contents of this file are in my first post)

Looking at the line:

02/20/07 15:10:09: CopyFile D:\AVAST\Setup\Setup.log C:~AVINSTL\Setup.log error 21

I wonder if the setup.log is even being generated.

And, yes I live in Crescent City.

Is the D: a local disk on the client computer ?

Logical drive D is on the server.


The destination folder specified in the installation package refers to the client computer, not the server (it is the folder that avast will be installed to).


The problem I have though is that it transfers files to the client computer but doesnt completely setup.
The logs from my first post I pulled from both the server and client.
D:\Avast4\ManagementTools\ is located on the server.
C:~AVINSTL\ is located on the client.
This is where it is erroring out:
02/20/07 15:10:09: Setup exit code 0x00000015

0x00000015 appears to translate to: The device is not ready.
Which is odd as both units are commmunicating fine.


Yes, the ‘D:\Avast4\ManagementTools’ is located on the server, it is OK. The problem is that the ‘D:\AVAST\Setup’ does not exist on the client. You need to go to the installation package’s properties and change the destination folder to something that does exist on the client.

What Vojtech’s trying to say is that it seems that the destination folder in the installation package is probably (incorrectly) set to “D:\AVAST” - while drive D: on the target machine is most likely not a hard drive partition (perhaps it is a CD-ROM drive, because error code 0x00000015 means “The device is not ready”).


That did the job. :slight_smile: Thanks Vlk and vojtech.
