Netsky.D got passed mail scanner ?

Logged on to my computer just now. And got lots of mails containing .pif files. avast! marked them as [suspicious] but did not delete the attachments. Just after all mails were retrived I got a virus database update, AND when I tried to save one of the attachments I got detetion of Netsky.D

But Netsky.D isn’t that new is it? Obviously it was not in my old virus-database (since the mail scanner did not see it), and that one was from yesterday. Or is it that new?

I’m just curious about how fast avast! updates it’s virus-database (since it obviously was not fast enough this time)

Netsky.D was added just today (about 11am your time).
Today, we actually had two updates - at about 7pm, there was an update for Netsky.E (among others).


BTW do you have avast Pro?

Nope, No Pro - yet :slight_smile:

I start to like avast! (with some exceptions, like the problem with locked files, and the wish for an option to turn the header-fields in messages on/off) so I’m considering it (actually I’m waiting for those enhacements :-)))))

Heuristic part of the scanner is cool :slight_smile: Can save you from new undetectable worms/viruses or just potentialy dangerous files.

Logged on to my computer just now. And got lots of mails containing .pif files. avast! marked them as [suspicious] but did not delete the attachments. Just after all mails were retrived I got a virus database update, AND when I tried to save one of the attachments I got detetion of Netsky.D

BTW this is the true power of the avast PUSH updates. Since the PUSH system is implemented by e-mails, and since e-mails are handled synchronously (in the order they were received on the server) by your e-mail program, the update will be forced before other mails will be downloaded and have the possibility to infect you (assuming the VPS update was released before the infected mails hit your mail server, of course)…