Netsky making me crazy

???OK, this is what’s happening. I’m using Avast4/pro on a trial basis. Avast is detecting Win32:Netsky.C[Wrm]
Avast can’t delete it. When I delete the file, Avast detects it again. The file won’t delete or I have many of these Netskys. For some reason, I can’t view the complete file name. The page just ends and I can’t view the file name completely. So, I tried to move to the chest and that seemed to work, Avast continued on with the scan, but when I went to see this file in the chest it wasn’t there. I’m at a loss as to what to do next. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ;D

did you think to disable your restore system feature if you got windows Me or XP
if not disable this feature before scanning with avast antivirus because Antivirus cannot delete file located in the restore file so the virus stay on the system
To disable this feature GO to :
Start->Settings ->Control Panel ->System
Select the System Restore tab and select the check box deside “Turn off System Restore on all drives”
this will delete all the restore file
so when you scan virus cannot hide in restore folder
when you get ride of the virus enable again the system restore feature
Hope this can help

sorry for my poor english :-[

:oHi Sly,
I went to disable the system restore. I didn’t continue because I’m not sure I want all of my restore points to be gone. My Windows XP says that all my restore points will be deleted. Am I really supposed to delete all of my restore points. Also, your English is fine. I’m understanding you perfectly.

yes it will delete all your restore point
but as soon as you will turn it back on it will create new ones
if your system is stable now it’s ok you don’t need the old restore point they are just usefull when youre system crash so when you will enable again the otpion you will get a new restore point from this time

Ok Sly, I’ll let you know how it goes. Thanks a lot.

your welcome
I hope this will work 8)

Hi again Sly. I’m a little confused here. I did what you said. Turned off system restore and scanned. It seemed to work but… Avast must have just been detecting more viruses as opposed to having trouble with one virus, like I thought. Anyways, it did take out the viruses I had. Thanks so much for your help Sly. Oh, also, I did turn my system restore back on. Thanks again. :smiley:

Are you sure you were not seeing more files ‘password’ blocked? I mean, did you change the scanning settings? Or the report settings (includind: soft error files and ok files, for instance). This will change a lot your results but, I can guess that you are clean of viruses now.

Hi Technical, Just to let you know, I do have 4 users on my computer. 2 of them are password protected. I would always scan each password protected account seperately. By that I mean, scan from their desktop. Tonight when my computer is free from the kids I’ll completely scan everyones accounts. Then I’ll know for sure if I’m virus free. I think I am though. Hard to be sure with all the infected e-mails we’ve been getting. Technical, thanks for your reply. Bye for now. ;D

Sorry Pandy, I was talking about password protected files and not users. Better if you scan the system as an administrator (and not a limited account).

Some programs protect their files with passwords and antivirus could not scan them. The majority of the times this is legal and they are not virus.

Oh Technical, I see. I misunderstood. I am an administrator on my computer. I feel all straightened around. Such a nice feeling. LOL! See you and thanks again. :slight_smile:

Your welcome Pandy
it was a peasure