network avast

I need to hook up avast to my 2nd’s running with a router

I have that same problem when Avast! is scanning…it slows down everything else, or just out and out freezes them. And, since Avast! scans pretty much constantly, I have to either find a new anti-virus, or find a way to shut off the scanning without disabling (which it is now) my avast! Apparently tho, nobody knows if there is a shutoff option for the scans.

??? ??? ??? You may have the same problem like someone else, but definitely not on this thread.

Wrt the original question - not really clear what you are trying to achieve. Install Avast on the router → done?


@ the OP: what’s your question ???

off topic also here ;D

they need the man who saw tommorow ;D

@Ed Heffner

if you try to scan shared folder and if your router idle the you need to hook up to the next pc you scan

just a guess you don’t have any question ;D


what is your point that this is the same at Ed Heffner problem?

your problem is the pc usage. if you scanning while use multi tasking the freezing is depend upon the speed and capacity of your system to calculate and read the binary.


:-[ OOPS! I was looking at another post, got to the bottom, saw “next” and thought it was a continuation of the thread I had been reading. I was actually trying to answer someone else’s post. Sorry.

Hi Ed Heffner :slight_smile:

This thread has got a little confusing ::slight_smile:

But if you mean that you need to have Avast 5 on a second computer…

If You’re Using… Avast 5 Free

  1. Install Avast 5 Free … On your second computer the same way as you did on your first computer.
  2. Register Avast 5 Free … Just as you did on your first computer.

If You’re Using… Avast 5 Pro - or - Avast 5 Suite

  1. Install Avast 5 … On your second computer the same way as you did on your first computer.
  2. Insert Your Licence File … Just as you did on your first computer. ( Note: Presuming you bought a licence file for more than just one computer )

All Flavours Of Avast :wink:
