Network module against zotob?

Hello all,

Anyone knows if the network module of Avast can block the spread of the zotob worms that spreads itself using a plug and play vunerability?

Thanks for your time,


I was asking this by myself too :slight_smile:

Avast can detect the ZOTOB since 2(?) days.
So don’t worry.

We also know that it can detect Sasser and MSBlaster,but it still blocks them with Network Shield. So we are curious yes…


Yeah, I saw that in the vps list. I was wondering if it protected avast users before the definitions (for variants a,b and c) were created.

Thanks for your time,


Hi Elminster,

Well as far as I have read ZOTOB only compromised Windows 2000 machines, and Windows XP or 2003 were not affected,
The outbreak was not that large scaled as assumed, mainly big media computers suffered and the poor Windows 2000 machines.
Again and again we have to say: update and patch your critical software to the latest version and patches to be safe.
From the last worm threat we have learned that explaining details about patch vulnerabilities only bring malcreants closer to the actual vulnerability at the base of it all, and then they launch an attack against machines that are not patched or not fully patched.

