Network scan error

hello all,

I have trouble in network scan, the scenario is XP SP2 installed with avast business protection (latest version) and mapped drive to Novel 5 folder.
from the XP SP2 I do scan the mapped drive but the result is “network name can not be found”
on the mapped drive I can make a new folder, delete file and everything.

is anybody have the same experience or maybe avast team know this as the BUGS on BP or BPP because if I using avast 4.8 the network scan is no problem.

please advise

Though i do not have Novell shares i tried to do the same scan on my environment.

I have a complete windows (win 7, 2008R2) environment so my shares are all on the windows server.

From my normal user account on a win7 machine i initiated a scan on a mapped network drive (H:).
This scan was running happily. In the scanning window where the path is shown, i saw the full UNC path, not the mapped drive letter.

In which way is your directory shared?