I have the problem with Kerio that over longer running periods, once or twice/day Kerio stops working. No internet connection.
I can connect if I exit from Kerio and turn XP SP2 firewall on.
Or if I reboot.
I have now disabled Network Shield and will see if that helps. Fairly confident it is safe to do since Avast never gave me warnings running Kerio about network attacks.
Jarmo, until now, no problems on Kerio being disable, on contrary, I can’t stop the service whatever I try.
Anyway, other troubles with Kerio GUI I have a lot. Icon in system tray runs two processes (one by the System account and other by the user account, plus the Service at System account). On automatic logon, I always get the error “Couldn’t reach the Service”… some seconds, the message disapears by itself, more seconds and the icon appears.
Sometimes, opening the GUI and you receive a ‘monitor’ freeze… all messed.
By terminating Avast’s Network Shield I have not experienced anymore Kerio stopping my internet connection. Mysterious, but problem seems to be solved.
Since Kerio 4.2.2 blocks all incoming connection attempts during the boot and shutdown of the operating system and I have configured my firewall properly I believe, I have no need for that Avast feature.
For that time the connection stopped and loggings too, I have a relative secure feeling having run that Network Shield without any alerts
Just wish someone would be able to say having experienced the same problem.
The best firewall I ever tested on boot/shutdown, Kerio is the best on protection, even when you think it’s not running, the low level process is protecting you.
Problem is auto logon, there is no time to the GUI connect the service and we get an error message at startup.
Oh, sorry, this is not related to your problem. Anyway, if I can test anything… I have NetShield running without problems.
Kerio has been running fine after I disabled Avast’s Network Shield.
Now in the new version of Avast I am going to to put that on again and see what happens
Will post my experiences, though they might only be restricted to something I have else in my computer installed, but I will give a report in this thread if Kerio stops again.