I use Free Superantispyware to do a scan once a month as a check. Just saw that there was a program update, so was going to the forum to read about it before I tried to install. When I clicked on the link to the forum hxxp://forums.superantispyware.com , got an Avast popup saying the site was blocked. Looked in the Avast program and found under Network Shield that the Last Block Connection was hxxp://forums.superantispyware.com . I guess I am ok since it was blocked. Wanted to know if anyone else saw this? Busy weekend with this and piriform.
you can report False Positive here http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?
also include a link to this topic…
Just looked under windows explorer and Network Shield Report and found this
03.11.2012 16:23:42 Network Shield: blocked access to malicious site hxxp://forums.superantispyware.com/ [ C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe ( 3576 ) ]
Also I am using Avast Pro 1474 and windows 7. Thanks slybo
also see here
I am sorry but after reading am confused, it reads like it is a false positive and then like it might be real. In simple words what is it? Thanks
Never take it as a F/P until Avast! says so. I didn’t.
Unfortunately we have only had one VPS update since last night when I reported it as a F/P. You know weekend a all.
We are all waiting for Avast! veredit.
Thanks and waiting, slybo