I just finished upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 8 Pro (migrated, instead of formatting the hard drive and starting fresh), and while everything else seems to be working, I can’t get Avast’s Network Shield to turn on. It either gives no indication of attempting to do it when I click the button on it’s tab, or if I click the ‘Fix Now’ button on the Summary page, it says that Network Shield could not be started.
Have you also upgraded to the latest avast version (7.0.1474) ?
Please, after upgrade to 7.0.1474, please do also the following:
delete this file: “C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastEmUpdate.ini”
run this tool from elevated command prompt: “C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastEmUpdate.exe”
Thanks, this will patch your installation of 7.0.1474 to include latest fixed driver for Network shield.
- restart - this is unfortunately required.
You may have to disable the avast self-defence module to delete the AvastEmUpdate.ini file. AvastUI, Settings, Troubleshooting and uncheck the ‘Enable avast! self-defence module’ and answer Yes to the confirmation screen. Don’t forget to enable it again when you have done with this fix.