NEW: Avast Beta 17.1.2284

Hi all testers,

we tried to get you fresh beta last week. It got a bit delayed, but finally, here it is! There was a lot of work done under the hood of the new UI. Hope you’ll like all the invisible improvements!
If everything goes well, you are going to get another beta before the week ends.

What’s new:

  • Fixed slow loading of the UI
  • UI now works on smaller resolutions e.g. 800x600
  • Browser addons cleaning added to the Smart Scan
  • Localization is completed

Download links:

Known issues:

  • Sign in to Avast Account does not work yet
  • Boot-time scan flow is broken

I’m sorry but the UI is still too slow to load, it’s better than before but should be faster.

Edit: Fixed typo.

There are quite few nice subtle touches to the interface which is nice. Though, AOS browser extension still just doesn’t load into Firefox which is very annoying because I can’t even test it then.

So it appears if you run at 1080, you are stuck with the large GUI. Also, I am not seeing much improvement in the opening of the GUI speeds. Actually it seems like sometimes it is faster (3 sec), othertimes slower (5sec). So maybe there is some improvement there, just not consistent.

I tried to do a custom install using free version, but failed. The new UI doesn’t fit the whole desktop (see screenshot). Beside that, I only had the opportunity to cut off electricity.
I couldn’t even stop the program by using Windows Task Manager. Result: Access denied!


I have been banging this drum (installation window) for bloody ages, with low resolution netbooks (1024X600 screen), etc. the buttons aren’t accessible, they are off screen and the installation file window can’t be resized.

It is even bigger than avast UI and I have said that needs to be resizeable also.

There is a lot of empty space all over it, surely they could compact it (within limitations of translations, because some translations do have a lot longer words than English ones and they need space for that).

I agree. And the color of UI is too dark. In my case: I can’t recognize any corner of UI, for I have a black desktop with a foto in the middle.


OK Mr. Chytil, tell the devs they didn’t pass the QA. Please describe if you were me how would you actually click the OK button to save the settings, step by step?

The interface now loads OK. The animations still need to be made more fluid. The account login needs to be finished. The “Running” thing on the Full scan shows correctly now but can show faster once the section opens. The web notifications still have an “Open Virus Chest” button. The upgrade dialogs doesn’t show on Firewall and Sandbox. The issue with the tray icon is not fixed. The localization is definitely not fixed - see HERE. The GUI takes 115 MBs RAM. :o

Where an INSTALL button?


  • netbook 1024 x 600
  • offline installer

Strongly disliked AVG Beta - no controls, so back and thought I’d go back to Avast:

Avast Internet Security build installed okay
Tried the feature - Performance->Cleanup reported a lot of changes - then solicited to buy. (Do Beta’s expire in 30 days?)…

Well - after playing - back at the main page - clicked “Smart Scan”.
Completed - found one virus which it fixed I guess, clicking through to resolve all options I could without subscribing - declined option 5/5 (sorry, I’m old - forgot what it was) - and Avast is disabled as shown in attachment - solid shaded white stating ‘Loading’ underneath the Windows warning. Close the problem option presented End Task which worked - and it restarted… and states like it just finished installing “You are protected - Avast Internet Security was just installed on your PC.”, Continue and app sequenced through all install screens ‘again’.

Not a good presentation - first time run, user plays with options then scans and app locks up.

Windows 10 Pro Insider build 15019 (photo attached)
Intel DP55WB MB I7 860 2.8GHz - custom build…
8GB memory, 7TB HD w 500GB primary SSD.

So disappointed … :-\

Horrible design. I see a lot of senseless wasted space (Red Boxes).
Layoutglich see yellow line

Question: Why do you set all devs and Beta-testers under stress in this manor (every week a new Beta!)?
That’s not only horrible, you see the results now.

SafeZone Browser seems to have problems with video streaming. Youtube is working fine, but all videos on the news webpage are audio-only.
For example the video in this article:

Can’t confirm this. It’s playing video and audio. SafeZone Browser Version: 3.55.2393.506


Thanks for checking. I have the same version. So hopefully it’s only my machine. Will try reinstalling later.

This beta is running really fine and fast :)! is also solved for me. But under Troubleshooting I can see that Hardware assisted virtualization is still checked.

I can confirm this…SafeZone Browser Version: 3.55.2393.506
