we had a busy week filled with bugfixing. All critical issues should be resolved now. We know about few UI glitches, but otherwise, the build is a final release candidate. So please, give it a hard time and try to break it!
Popup windows for component settings are still too big for my screen getting cut off behind the taskbar on my screen so i cant reach OK and cancel by mouse…
I like the changes to the GUI, although it’s still loading ridiculously slow and it always seems to load elements in tiles which makes it feel really awkward, almost like trying to play most demanding game on a very low end graphic card.
But don’t you think the Known issues are rather significant? Especially the notifications counter and a dud boot time scan?
Oh, and browser extension for Firefox 64bit is STILL broken. How can this be an RC if not even basics work as they should?
Btw, has occasionally glitched out trey icon amoeba animation fixed now?
we are definitely going to fix more issues in the UI before the final release. Moreover, fixing similar issues will be much more easy for us with the new UI and its update channel.
hey rejzor interesting for me this newest beta loads the ui super fast i see only a VERY slight delay now. this version for some reason is working FAR better then the previous one. i was having major slowdowns with certain pages like yahoo and you tube with videos stuttering etc and now i dont see these issues. i am liking all changes made so far, i also would hope to see it a bit more refined.
sitting here testing it trying to overload it and its working very very well, while drinking some nice czech beer i found here in the usa ;D 8) finally have a couple hours since we got back to myself, ive been crazy crazy SWAMPED trying to catch up on everything. been doing 12+ hour days. i miss being away lol
Here is a video showing how long it takes for the GUI to load. From approximately the 3 second point until approximately 11 seconds. In my case, it’s approximately 8 seconds to open this thing. You should be able to do better than this.
With all respect, but you can’t call this this a RC if there are so many ( known ) issues to fix.
Forgive me for asking, but are the the Marketing guys pressing ( again ) ?
im seeing approx 2.5 seconds which is not really to bad. previous builds took at least twice that, compare to some others like eset it is a bit slow, but then compare to say avira with the new connect and its not at all bad.
Loading a bit faster on my older Intel Atom Nettop from Acer lol, can’t wait to see how it works on my main Windows 10 more powerful system, (hopefully upgrades smoothly from Avast 12.3.2280, or I might opt to remove that, and do a clean install possibly, will see what I decide to do when it’s final.
Also The Known issue list is shorter than another antimalware release back in December that had a ton of issues compared to Known issue list Avast lists there, confident that those known issues will be solved in a timely manner and will be nice and stable and smooth hopefully.
Use powerful system for Gaming, video watching, sometimes skype calls, and General PC duties, sometimes word processing, video encoding, will definitely see how it performs when it’s final, don’t really install beta versions on this system much
Avast statistics is no more on gui.Why??@petr.chytil
Avast loading is still slow.
Anti-Spam not on and still not fixed.
Google Chrome(64 Bit) plug in(AOS) Not install.
Love to see if Behavior Shield work off-line aswell as on-line.
We’re faced with a problem about Web Shield. We sometimes cannot open the websites until it turns down, like the famous Sina. Once we found the Firewall suspicious, the websites can’t be opened still when closed. Web shield, however, is off the way in Firewall. On this occasion, it’s amazing that we should reopen them.
UI is still ridiculously slow, considering how fast my PC is, I don’t even want to imagine what it’s like on something slower.
And why is there still the demented shredder icon. If I wanted to have a UI with half the items not working and popping up “buy our great xxx to use this shitty option yyy” all over the place, I would be using the free version, I sure don’t want to have something like this in a paid product.