New avastclear - warns about antivirus in end

When using the uninstall tool after uninstalling Avast the normal way, it warns about present antivirus. It should not do that because user is not installing Avast, but uninstalling/cleaning remnants.

But you shouldn’t install more than one Antivirus :wink:

Greetz, Red.

Yeah I know. I think I did not express myself that good :slight_smile:

  1. I uninstalled Avast IS beta
  2. Restarted PC
  3. Installed Panda new beta
  4. Restarted PC
  5. Ran Avastclear.exe (from beta thread) and got that screen in the end. I was not installing avast - so there is no conflict.

Ok :slight_smile:

Than that message is strange indeed.

Greetz, Red.

Personally I would have run the avast uninstall utility as step 3 not installing Panda.

This would ensure everything of avast was gone before installing the new AV.

I think this may possibly be because the uninstall utility may believe another AV would imped its work.

Yeah that is what I would usually do. I just forgot and it turns out I may have found a bug :slight_smile: