New beta version 19.6.2382

Hi everyone,

new beta version 19.6.2382 (build 19.6.4521) is released.

What was fixed
Fixed BSOD in ids driver
It is possible to disable components now
Fixed issue with reappearing profile switcher toaster
Fixed crash in AvEmUpdate process

Download links:

Enjoy this beta!
We are looking forward to your feedback.


Thanks Jan, testing it asap…

  1. Fix confirmed.
  2. Can’t confirm this one, still getting it after every reboot (see screenshot).

I missed previous one, thanks for the new beta :slight_smile:

Fix confirmed here, too :slight_smile:

Thanks, Received update via bc
Testing now :slight_smile:

Edit: For me the last beta did not have the issues mentioned (Network Profile Toaster popping up, or the inability to disable components) on Win 10 1903 64Bit.
Still no issues with this beta.
All is good so far :slight_smile:

Hi Asyn,
I’m sorry that the fix didn’t work for you. Could you please reproduce the issue with debug logging turned on and send log files to us via support tool?
Thanks in advance,

Hi HK, done. The File-ID is TUDSX