New beta version 21.5.2469

Hello, new build released (21.5.6354.0) today, just one little change - new UI is now part of offline installers.

Hi everyone,

there is a new beta version ready - 21.5.2469 (build 21.5.6346).

What was fixed

  • Crashes in service fixed
  • Changes related to Smart Scan

Download links
Avast free
Avast premium

Enjoy this beta!
We are looking forward to your feedback.

[b]Also please be informed that we would appreciate if you would be so kind and try our Antivirus product based on so called “icarus” setup (installation and update engine) already used for other Avast products but now available also for AV. More information is here:[/b]
Please note that in order to get it, you need to uninstall the current one (automatic migration is not supported at the moment).


Thanks for the new beta :slight_smile:

Auto Update
Got it, THanks :slight_smile:

Thanks Karel, already up and running (Icarus).

Hi, today we released one more build with just one change - new UI version is now a part of offline installers.

OK I installed latest beta on VM and got exactly same certificate error with Thunderbird when accessing Gmail.

Thanks Karel, updating asap…

Updated to .2470

Anything new on Omni?