New beta version 24.1.6099

Hi everyone,

there is a new beta version ready - 24.1.6099 (build 24.1.8821).

What was fixed
Fixed issue with unresponsive FW after downgrade/upgrade

Download links
Avast Free:
Avast Premium:
Avast Clear:

Enjoy this beta!
We are looking forward to your feedback.



Thanks for the new beta :slight_smile:

Thanks Jan, up and running about 24 hours without issue. :slight_smile:

After this or previous beta, my ProtonVPN desktop software cannot connect to any VPN server. When I switched off Avast Firewall and reverted back to Windows 10 Firewall, it can connect in seconds. I had no such problem in previous betas except I had to set ProtonVPN Network to Trusted Network.

Lazy sunday here, so I will install this beta :+1:

No issue here running Proton VPN 3.29 Free with Avast Premium current beta and Win 11. Perhaps you could delete the current Proton rules and allow Avast to reset them?

Hi Lano, you’re right. Resetting the Rules helped and ProtonVPN can now connect. Thanks.

You’re welcome, glad it worked. 8)