New hack allert function

This supposed new hack alert thing that shows up under Avast premium security, privacy… has any body been able to get this to work? ever since it was installed, I always get this “we seem to be stuck” message. Restart antivirus or reboot computer. Well I have rebooted the computer at least ten times since it was installed and restarted Avast shields at least eight times, but it never has worked, even once. It always seems to be STUCK. Well how do you unstick the stupid thing? Is there any way to get it working? Any ideas? Seems a waste of space on the screen to have it there if it never works. I don’t think there is any way of getting rid of it, Its worthless from what I can tell. Any body have any experience with this nonfunctional tidbit?

Repair Avast:

  1. Avast GUI → Settings → Troubleshooting
  2. Click on ‘REPAIR APP’.
  3. Follow instructions.
  4. Reboot.

Repairing app does not work either. I do not understand why it works on my laptop and not on this PC. I have done everything I can think of, including reinstalling the app three times, stopping and restarting shields, and rebooting the PC. Nothing has any effect. It still says its gotten “stuck”. Maybe some WD40 would help??

Since you’re using a paid version, why not contact Customer support?

Request help from Avast.
If you don’t have an order # use 00000000 then explain your problem.

hello bob…doest avast have breachgurd for free version? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

No, but Avast Hack-Check is free:

that means dont have also any Trial system?

Afaik, no.