This is site is dedicated to helping people remove malware (Spyware, viruses, trojans) from their PC’s for free. They have a Security News section, if you want to learn about the latest news in the Security World. They also offer a “Secure your PC!” section which offers advice written by security experts that can help you secure your PC from attacks.
What an ugly home page, over 924 pixles wide so unless you view in full page mode you are likely to need to scroll left and right to view.
This that turn me off some sites when I have to adjust my settings to be able to use their defaults. They have a neat trick of being able to view narrow width at just under 800, by clicking the icon at the top right of the page, which is great I only wish they would have the narrow as the default rather than wide.
I have a huge monitor 20" 1680x1050 resolution, but I don’t have my browser set to full screen, I basically set it at an A4 page width (effectively about 800 pixles) so it is like reading a normal page and I can have two pages side by side on the screen.
All we have to see is what the content is like over the course of time.
I developed and maintain my own website. Since you’re well versed on usability, I thought I’d link you to the guru on the subject, Dr. Jakob Nielsen. Really interesting articles…
Thanks, there are so many people who don’t consider the users they are trying to drive to their sites. I used to develop web sites, not professionally, general interest and helping friends. I used to have copies of at least 4 browsers to ensure it displayed correctly in all browsers and that for the most parts is just conforming to html standards.
The other thing is now that broadband is here designers seem to have gone over the top to have all the bells and whistles without considering that there are still a lot of of dial-up users out there.
Thanks for the link.
That’s one of the reasons I keep Windows, so I can use IE and Opera to check those things.
Hi David
For that reason Opera browser had a special button called " fit to screen width" : See image. P.S. My Opera is currently in Ukrainian translation, but the positions of buttons in English language version & their meaning are the same