New install of avast and aswclear.exe not valid win 32 app running Vista sp2

Trying to install new version of avast and keep getting error 0 spawning tried to uninstall avast with no success. Then tried to uninstall with aswclear and it says not a valid win32 app! Does anyone have any advice? Thank you

Won’t aswClear work in Safe Mode?

No it won’t work in safe mode or regular.

I have read some posts about the bagle worm and my symptoms sound similar but not totally sure how to tell.

Do you know what the file size of this file (in bytes) is ?
Or the MD5 hash of it ?

The latest version of aswclear.exe downloaded from is, see image, click to expand.

If it doesn’t match that then the file is corrupt, if it does match that then there is a possibility there is malware at work blocking it.

EDIT: image not attached.

It does not match in size each file I download is corrupt. The av7 file is 73,010k which I know is not right.

How are you downloading it as that looks like you are downloading the avast installation file and not the uninstall Utility.

Try using the link I gave and right click on the aswclear.exe and select save as, try changing the name cboylesAswClr.exe, just in case it is getting detected on download and infected.

We are looking at using the aswClear.exe in accordance with the instructions on the page that I gave the link to.

Download the installation file for avast free: this is version 7.0.1426. But that sounds like you have the same version as that, 73,010KB as that, see image, your should match.

Once you have the correct aswClear.exe run from safe mode and reboot, install the latest avast free version, reboot.

Did boot scan with 6 found a ton of stuff. Downloaded asw and it finally was not corrupt installed 7 and it seems to be working except that I can’t register the version.

Why can’t you register, what errors are you getting and how are you trying to register ?