New Key Registration

I got a message today that my key or something expired and to get a new one, when I registered to get a new one it said “It should arrive in the next 30 minutes” and its been atleast 3 hours waiting now. Any ideas how to help?

Check your anti-spam program (if any) if it has intercepted this registration key mail as spam message.

Nauu… I dont have any anti-spam filter. Infact I get so much spam I could get sick. Any other suggestions?

Did you use the email address that’s in your profile on this board?

Your signature is gigantic. Use something else,that has bigger width and not height. Contact avast support mail and ask if they can send you serial without online form… or they might give it to you here…

Did you use the email address that's in your profile on this board?
I guess so (I'm answering my own question :)). The DB shows that the mail was sent to you at 7:52:28 PM our time, i.e. 6:52:28 PM your time...

And it looks it worked (no non-delivery-report was received).

I guess it must’ve been filtered by someone en route… :-[

Can you send it again please? And ive noticed my sig is massive ;D

I’ve just sent it to your email address.

I hope you got it now.
Good night. :slight_smile:

Night night. ;D