new look of the forum

I love the new look of the forum but it could be a little wide…
What you people think?

You mean ‘a little wider’, I guess…!??
Go to: Profile - Look and Layout Preferences (Click on: change) - pick: AV6 evang

what should we do without you Asyn ;D

it was a bit small on my 14" work lappy

actually it was wider till today morning

Well, good to know I could help you. :slight_smile:

New forum theme was applied since then… :wink:

Well thanks, Its fine now…

You’re welcome…!

I was amazed to see the clean look after just visiting the forum last evening and reading posts.

Looks great! Using a 19 inch Desktop Monitor though.

I like it. Much more colorful and matches the Avast! GUI pretty well. I actually switched to the Evangelist version and plan to leave it there. Nice job Avast! :slight_smile:

i like the new forum skin. looks good and fresh. :smiley:

+1 :slight_smile:

Great job Avast!!! :smiley:


+1 Fills my screen much better.

What’s happened to the Forum pages they are half the size they should be
Is this temporary or is it always going to be like this.
I sincerely hope not

I noticed that too. Sometimes the forum forgets your settings. I just had to change mine back so it’s readable.

  • Click on ‘profile’ near the top
  • Then on the left-hand side click ‘Look and Layout Preferences
  • Then to the right of “Current Theme”, click ‘change
    … I like the SMF Default Theme, but that’s up to you
    [li]Then click ‘save’

It is a new theme, that better reflects the overall theme of the avast websites.

The new, default one is fixed width.

Go to Profile → Look and layout Preferences → change the theme to the AV6 evang. (Variable width version of the new one)

Got online midday today and come here to find the new av6 was now active as the default, which was my setting. And I agree that it’s a little too wide, and that the “evang” version fits much better. I’m running a desktop at 800x600 (yes, still, for better readability), if that makes a diff.

Its a new forum theme and believe me we who tried it said there would be complaints with the fixed width.

So much so that there was another theme crafted for variable width, AV6 evang, now I don’t know if this theme is available in the user Profile, Look and Layout Preferences, Check the current theme, it will probably say Forum Default. Click the (change) link and see if the AV6 evang theme is available, that has a variable width.

I actually like the new default theme. I agree that the print is smaller but with a FF addon and a couple of clicks of the mouse I can get the page size just the way I want it. Looks great to me :slight_smile: