New Questions raised in Apple Stock Options Probe

Found this to be of some interest. If you would like to read up about it then please go HERE. :slight_smile:

A sad time indeed for Apple. Heres hoping Jobs does not have to leave apple again, the last time he left they came within an inch of bankrupt

more reading on the subject here and here

Yikes … it would not be good to loose Apple. :o :frowning:

Apple finished their investigation today and here is the results:

This is from page 2 of the article:

Though the probe exonerated current management, it did raise “serious concerns” with the stock-options accounting actions of two former officers.

Apple did not identify those officers. Speculation and media reports citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter, however, have pointed to former Chief Financial Officer Fred Anderson and former general counsel Nancy Heinen.

Anderson retired as Apple’s CFO in 2004 yet remained a board member until he resigned in October after the internal inquiry. Heinen left Apple for unknown reasons in May, before Apple initiated its stock options probe.