it’s my pleasure to announce the general availability of a new avast program update, version 5.0.677.
You can simply update to this new version by using the built-in program updater.
The download links are always the same (always host the latest version).
E.g. in case of the Free AV, it’s here: (I mean the list of individual language versions – may be below the fold so you may need to scroll down little bit).
Pleased to report that (after a firewall component uninstall and reinstall) the long filename/short filename problem appears resolved in 5.0.677. Starts via both filename versions of an application (I tried on wksss.exe) are now blocked from outbound connection by the same rule.
minor bug, noticing it now but was probably there before. I had to switch to “public zone”, explaining why I now have blocked entries in the log. As said the bug is minor, when keeping moving the vertical scroll cursor, once it has reached one end of the list, the list keeps moving strangely ;D
exactly means?
I think, it should solve the problem that the "setup.log" grows up more and more and more, but I don't find any point in the program-settings.
Or does the programm this automatically? ???
Its called the price of a free product, a gentle nudge towards Upgrading and is certainly more subtle than many such free products.
My guess is limiting its growth potential, restricting it to either a file size or number of days records retained. I believe it would be part of avast’s internal housekeeping so no option required in the settings.