Hi there. I got new SSD for better performance and installed a fresh OS. Installed avast… but I guess I am no longer allowed to use my license?
I tried remove old computer from avast account but nothing changed its asking more $ for a new license. If its how avast works can some one point me a antivirus software with subscription key (a file you can use anytime you need).
I don’t have any activation code or license file. I purchased avast subs. inside avast antivirus instant transaction and activation. Nothing required. But now no clue what to do.
No problem with the support pages here.
Everything is working fine.
The UI is user friendly, but as with every software…
The user must learn how to use the application.
And as it is with about everything…
Some find it easy, others don’t.
Change things and those who found it easy now don’t and the other way around
Although you are now using not avast but something else…
Don’t feel a stranger if you have a problem with something.
There is the “general”, “viruses and worms” forum etc. here.