Store setup Lookout Premium (came with protection plan) would I be violating any contract or issue if I disabled that? and Installed Avast Mobile Security? Do I need to do a clean install on Desktop as well when I switch to Avast on Phone if I do.
Also do I need the following items
Avast Cleanup
Avast Antitheft
Avast Battery Saver
Phone is MetroPCS (US Carrier/Pre Paid thru T-Mobile), Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime
Store setup Lookout Premium (came with protection plan) would I be violating any contract or issue if I disabled that? and Installed Avast Mobile Security?
For that you need to read the terms of the plan/store.
Do I need to do a clean install on Desktop as well when I switch to Avast on Phone if I do.
No. They are two different devices.
Also do I need the following items
It is up to you to decide if you want them or not.
Oh ok thank you, will try to find the terms of the protection plan for MetroPCS to read prior to disabling it, and getting Avast Mobile setup like Desktop is lol. so new to Android was with Windows Phone from 2011 to December 3rd 2015. So still getting used to Androids somewhat here, deciding to use same Security as Desktop soon though