new upgrade is a big FAIL for 2 obvious reasons

I repair and maintain computers for a living. Having just performed the upgrade to 7.0.1407 on 3 computers, I can say with confidence that this upgrade was not well thought out at all.

  1. The issue I’m sure most people will be complaining about, the enabling of the auto-sandbox function. Really? Someone thought it was a good idea to enable something that prevents nearly every program from running without asking whether to turn the feature on or even explain what it is? Sorry, but this was a bone-headed idea, no matter how good the intentions may be behind it. TURN IT OFF, NOW! I’m already anticipating emails from people saying they can’t open the same program they’ve been using for months… “and something about a sandbox.”

  2. Much less of an issue than the above, but still an issue, the upgrade process decided to install Chrome on my system, without my asking, even though I already have Chrome installed (really, why would I have agreed to install something I already have?). Why is this a problem? Because it installed Chrome on the system-wide level (rather than on the user level, as is normal for Chrome) and, more importantly, it completely wiped out by Chrome user settings, including the current saved session I had with, oh, 40 some tabs stored. Those tabs were open for a work-related reason. Now I have to try to remember each page that was loaded and wiped out thanks to this upgrade process.

I was really feeling good about deciding to switch many of my users over to Avast from other AV software, but after this… wow. Time to reconsider.

None of those problems here. I updated 3 computers, 2 of which have Chrome installed and didn’t have a single problem with any of them. They were all updated through the GUI of the previous version, one from v6,and the other 2 from the RC version of 7.

If you work with computers for a living then I will be blunt.
When updating, to a new version number as 5-6 and 6-7 you should just uninstall the original product and then install the newer version, well doing this always select the custom install option, within the custom install both of your problems are self solvable as I don’t believe it will then ask to install Google Chrome, and you can configure other setting by hand.

Also you can turn off the and configure the sandbox settings by hand as well.

I still maintain that Avast is and has been number one in my and many other IT Professionals books for free anti virus protection.

the only thing that has triggered the auto sandbox is the testing tool by avast. There have been no other alerts on any of the 3 machines.

I had the same problem, I could not inciate windows with the last update, then a did a recovery to aversion before I had last updated and no problem.
I’ve windows 7.

well guys, if u want to make a bug report, please put a more informative title, eg. remote assistance crashes on (fill in ur operating system) followed by error report

then for details, u can add a screenshot of the problem, state what other programmes ur running, eg. antispyware, firewall (basically anything that runs on system startup)

for ur google chrome, please provide the version details eg. 17…?

well autosandbox is to protect the large majority of the Avast! population from unknown/unpopular/not digitally signed files, ie. ur own personal exes will not be trusted by Avast! and u can always exclude it knowing that it is 100% safe (please ensure that u know the potential risks ur taking when u exclude a programme from sandbox)

to turn off the autosandbox will be a costly mistake…Avast! can no longer protect u from unknown malware. it is much easier to exclude a particular file(s) than to reformat ur whole system in an event of malware attack right? :wink:

please also give the support ppl sometime to see ur topic! they are not robots ::slight_smile:

I’m sorry but english is not my first lenguage, so it’s not easy to describe the poblem.

What happend exactly was:

I updated avast, and the pc was reiniciated at the end.

When windows were iniciating, no message error, all was alright, when I introduced the user’s password to iniciate windows, the sceen was in the same colour ( black, or maybe brown I don’t remember) but I couldn’t see anything but the point of the mouse ( of course I waited so many time… and nothing changed) I turned off the pc and reiniciate it 3 or 4 times and always happend the same. Then I restore the pc to an old version when I had not the avast update, the only programm afected was avast. When I did it, the pc worked perfectly again.

Maybe you would be more comfortable here:
avast!WEBforum » avast! support forums » Non-english zone » Espanol

I see that iroc9555 speaks very good Spanish.