New User - Deleting from Outlook

I’m sure this has been asked, but a search didn’t turn up anything.

I have the Outlook plug in set to “deny access” in silent mode. But I still get the red alert siren when I get a virus in e-mail. As far as I can tell, my spam filter (Spam Pal – great stuff) is saving the attachment to my temporary file where Avast detects it as a virus and before Outlook gets to it.

If I try to move it to the chest, I get an “invalid parameter” error. If I delete it, that works, but it is annoying. I just want e-mail viruses (virii?) deleted.

Is there any easy way to set this up? I’m using the home edition, BTW.

That’s the problem (?): the Standard Shield caught the temporary file being saved in your HDD just after SpamPal proccessing. You can choose ‘silent mode’ there with the default answer ‘No’ (which means: send to Chest).

I think not, there isn’t an easy way. The best for you is the Pro version. Or, just a few mouse clicks in Home version to get rid from that infected messages… :-\

Thanks for the info. I will try it, but I’m not sure that’s really what’s happening anyway. When I get the alert, it does say:


For the file name. So is that coming from the Outlook plugin? I terminated the POP3 plug in since I don’t use it. I had considered putting the POP3 plug in ahead of SpamPal and turning off the Outlook plug in, but since I use SpamPal to do APOP with one of the servers, I don’t think that is an option.

Thanks again.

No, that didn’t work. In fact, I see that the outlook plugin is detecting the viruses, so it isn’t the standard shield module. I have the outlook module set to unconditionally delete, but it still asks me every time. Any other suggestions?

How? In Home version? ::slight_smile:
Aren’t you talking about Heuristic module?

About the Standard Shield:
How are you sure that it isn’t the Standard Shield but the Outlook plugin the one who caught the virus? Temporary files must be created ‘before’ avast can detect any downloaded file (or email) as infected…
If I’m wrong, someone could correct me.

On the inbound mail tab of the outlook plugin there is an option to delete unconditionally. Yes, this is the home version.

I am fairly sure it is not the resident shield catching these since I show no viruses detected on its main screen. While the outlook plugin shows 28 infected.

You must have some very careless friends to receive that many e-mails with viruses.
With friends like that, who needs enemies ;D