I recently downloaded AVAST v.4.6.665 and find it generally understandable except for 2 entries found on the user interface screen:
The “Virus Recovery Database” indicates “not done yet”. I have accessed the virus database and found only an empty chart with columns headed by letters that seem to correspond to check boxes at the top of the chart. None of the boxes are checked, but the term “KLEZ” appears in the search box although I did not put it there. I can find no indication anywhere of what am I supposed to do, if anything, with this chart? Is it an issue that the VRDB is “not done yet”?
The “date of last scan” also reads “not done yet” even though I have done 2 system scans since installing the program. I am at a loss to understand why these scans have not been logged.
Win XP SP2 fully patched, AVAST, Spybot, SpywareBlaster, Ad-Aware SE 1.6, 512 Kb RAM, 9 Gb available HD
Check the help file to know about VRDB. The VRDB is a backup that make avast of important system file and in case that a virus infect a system file, avast can repair ussing the backup. The table that you said with “klez” is the list of virus that Avast currently detect, put a name a search if avast detect it. About the scans, you really made a complete ssystem scan? or you interupted it or stop it before it finish?.
Manually initiate the VRDB scan - right click avast icon ( ‘i’ if you haven’t merged the icons or ‘a’ if you have), VRDB, select Generate VRDB Now and go for a leisurely cup of coffee.
Date of last scan means date of last full scan, using the hard disks buttom and not selected folders, even you select all folders…
In fact, avast! makes a backup of only three or four system file. VRDB is not precisely a backup utility.
Click ‘FAQ’ in my signature and you’ll find more about VRDB.
I sat down with a cup of coffee, right-clicked the “i” icon and watched it spin and wobble until I now have a VRDB. Thank you! Am I to assume that AVAST will know (or tell me) what to do with it when the time comes that I must use it?
Now, is there anything that needs to be done with the chart in “Virus Database”, or is that something that will become useful only if I contract a virus that AVAST needs to purge? Where can I locate information regarding the meanings of the phrases beside the check boxes?
The default delay is 21 days between VRDB generations, depending on your selection of how the VRDB should be updated, Generate when Idle, or when screen saver is running, etc. check the avast! help file - Healing > VRDB.
Not sure what you mean by what needs to be done with the chart in Virus Database?
The chart just displays the information returned by your search input, what the virus type is and what it can effect, etc., expand the column width to see the headings.
Which check boxes?
You should however, be able to find the information you seek in the avast! help file.
I hope this is not out of place on this forum, but here is a link to a screen print of my virus database chart containing the check boxes I am referring to.
The check mark boxes are to narrow the search for more expecific virus you want to search. For example if you want to see worm only virus then check the box that reads worms only
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