I have previously discovered & used the home version. Recently, with as new computer, I wanted to install the software again. At the page, I just read:
“avast! 4 Pro detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be ‘in the wild’)”.
I don’t recall seeing anything about the home version receiving the award. Can somebody tell me: is it really a less-safe version or can the notice be attributed to both versions? I am using XP.
Hey FakeMacgyver,
It’s radicalb21. First let me say welcome to the forum. I will attempt to answer to answer your question. First take a look at the following link:
The above link shows you the differences between the HOME VERSION AND PRO VERSION. The biggest differences between HOME & PRO are the enhanced user interface, and script blocker. There are other differences as well and they are very minor. Both the HOME & PRO version use the same scan engine and have the same capabilities.
Thanks for your help. Although it is probably easy to understand, could someone tell me more about ‘on-access packed files scanning capability’ in the Pro version? Does this mean that, in the Home version, a packed file won’t even be scanned if I attempt to execute it (and I would have to scan each file normally beforehand)? If so, of course, that would be dangerous & I should go ‘Pro’.
Well Home Edition scanes packed files too,but its limited only to executable packagers like UPX,ASPack,ASProtect and so on. Packed (compressed) files like ZIP,RAR,CAB won’t be scanned by On-Access module in Home Editon. Actually you don’t need to worry,because when you run the file from archive it needs to be extracted first,and when its extracted,avast! on-access detects it in TEMP folder (usually). You can scan inside ZIP,RAR,CAB and so on with Explorer extension command (right click on file and Scan)
I could be wrong with the new updates but definetivelly the scan capability of Home and Pro version were the same. Not even a difference with packers… At least, that was what Igor and pk said in the near past… I can be wrong, but the differences between the two versions aren’t at the scanning and protecting capability. Except, of course, the Script Blocker. Hope this help. If not, somebody correct me
I believe RejZor was saying that you cannot change the default task settings for the resident protection in the Home version (you don’t have the Enhanced User Interface to edit the resident protection task) - and by default, it doesn’t have the scanning of archives (like ZIP, RAR, …) turned on - which is true.
I’ve searched and searched and searched… Feel quite dizzy actually, since I think I’ve tried quite a few possible searches for the issue. No success though.
So, would you please (pretty please ) provide a direct link for the information? I have just installed the 4.1 Home edition and on-access scanning within packed files is definitely needed.
Nope,i tested with EICAR file and it was only detected when not inside ZIP archive (Home Edition). Pro Edition detects inside ZIP and other common archives too.
There is no difference. The only difference is that in the Pro version, you can edit the Resident task (to add archive scanning to it) in the Enhanced UI. In the Home version, you obviously can’t as there’s no Enhanced UI.