New User

I’ve just started using Avast having ditched Norton.
Can someone tell me why, when I press the menu on the main screen none of the following are highlighted: Status Information, Last scan results or View scan reports. The system seems to be working fine and scanning when requested and I’ve registered and it would seem that I ought to get this information. I guess it’s something simple I’m not doing? Any help please? Thank you

Welcome to the forum and avast!

Have you done a Full scan of your system? If not, you wouldn’t have any information or, anything to display. :slight_smile:

Do you mean ‘greyed out’?
On the Home version, as Bob explained, only after you do a scanning and before you close the application this option will be available.
I mean, the Home version only shows results of that particular session, closing the program, the options are unavailable.
They will be stored, for future use, on the Professional version although.
Welcome 8)

Beside what Bob (and Tech) have said, you have to have run a scan first and as a home user the information isn’t saved, so it is only available during that session of the Simple User Interface, same for all us Home(ies)

Welcome to the forums.

Many thanks for all the replies, I get it! Will watch when I do next scan
Thank you!