New versions?

When avast home goes to have new versions?
How the 4,7 or others?

Ask the moon ;D

Avast! home edition always upgrade to new versions, it will take alot of time cause the newer version must be better configure and less problems than the orginal. Sometimes they’ll let us download the beta versions to let us test it.

avast needs to have more speed in the scan, therefore it is very to devagar?

What’s wrong with the speed? If you want it to scan faster than you the quick scan by right clicking your local disk.

Speed is very subjective and without any indication of your system (cpu, ram, data volume, etc.) or scan settings (thorough, archives, etc.) how can we possibly comment or offer suggestions.

What do you mean by “therefore it is very to devagar?” also this is a statement not a question. Otherwise you would have had something like ‘How do I increase the scan speed,’ followed by your throw away comment.

No entry found for devagar.

Did you mean Dvergar?

So far you have created three threads where you are basically saying you are dissatisfied with one thing or another about avast! anti-virus without providing any information about the problem/dissatisfaction. Perhaps I too suspicious, but I have to question the intent are you genuinely asking for help/information or are you just slating avast?