Newbie problem with email timestamp

I am new to both avast and this forum so I apologise ahead of time if this is a simple problem to fix. I have done everything I can think of to fix it to no avail. Since installing avast the timestamp on my mail, both in Outlook and Thunderbird, is correct, but when I receive mail from someone it is always stamped as one hour ahead of when it was actually sent. So if it was sent at 2:00 pm, it will say it was sent at 3:00 pm when I receive it. I have tested this over and over and cannot figure a way to fix this.

Additionally, today when avast updated, I noticed immediately afterwards that the clock on my computer had jumped an hour ahead.

Can anyone help, please?

Thank you in advance.


In fact, I’m not a newbie here, but this is the first time I’m reading this problem.
Maybe it’s easy to correct it but I never read this before here in forums (as far I remember).
Welcome to avast. If you can wait a little, maybe Igor or Vojtech, could help you on this… :wink:

Thank you :slight_smile:

At least it’s a comfort to know I have a unique problem and not one that has been complained about so many times before.

Hopefully someone will be able to help me fix it!

(And by the way, I have XP so apparently I do not need the Mail Wizard)

I too doubt that this is connected to your installation of avast and just an unfortunate coincidence.

The time stamping of emails should be in line with the system time, what is displayed on the clock at the bottom right of the screen. Double click on the clock and it will open and you can reset the time. You could also check and ensure that the Time Zone is correct, it is in the same window you opened to reset the clock.

Ok, I admit I’m a newbie but I’m not so much of a newbie that I didn’t check the time on my clock first thing. I have done that and the mail I receive is still marked an hour ahead of when I actually receive them. It was not happening before I installed avast so I assumed it had to do with the program itself.

No slight intended, just trying to cover all the bases since you hadn’t mentioned updating or checking Time Zone.

When you say the mail you receive, is it possible that the time received is set by your ISP’s mail server (time received by the server), I have seen this before when my mail server host’s system date hadn’t updated after a change from GMT to BST (British Summer Time).

Can you check the email headers to see if you can track the various times in it.

If you send an email to yourself you can make a note of the time you sent it and see the time you received. View the headers and see if the time matches your sent time and check the received time in the headers against that displayed in the email program details. I hope that makes some sort of sense as the problem may be with the ISP’s mail servers.

While I have no idea of the reason why your computer clock jumped an hour ahead I do have a comment of the e-mail times.

You mention both Outlook and Thunderbird when you talked about outgoing mail being time stamped correctly. You did not mention which client you are seeing a problem with for your incoming mail.

However, one of my pet gripes with Thunderbird is that it does not time stamp your mail when it receives it. It simply displays the date/time that was placed in the mail by the sender of the message. That time and date can be a month ago or next week, Thunderbird just displays it.

I have tested it with both mail clients and they are both the same, the outgoing mail I send is stamped with the right time, and the incoming mail is stamped as having been received an hour ahead of when it is actually received. I have no clue what the deal is, and it’s such a new problem that I have never experienced before, that I just assumed it had to do with Avast since that was the only new program I had installed before this began happening.

Like I said, the clock itself jumped ahead one hour after avast updated once so who knows. I certainly have NO clue what is going on, but I have done everything I can think of to fix it. Maybe I’ll just have to learn to live with it. :frowning:

Thanks to all for trying to help

When you speak of Avast updates, are you speaking of program updates or VPS updates?

If Avast updated your system clock by one hour every time there was a VPS update you would be probably be several days in advance of most of us.

Is Avast a recent installation on your system or have you been using it for some time?

Is your version of Thunderbird 1.0.2? What version of Outlook are you also using?

Can you also advise us of your operating system level?