newbie question bout registration

Just wondering why do avast ask for our address and telephone # if its free? Do you fill real info in?

If I’m not mistaken… I believe it’s just for statisical purposes. So Alwil can get an idea of just how many people use Avast4Home. :slight_smile:

As for the exact information?
That is up to you.
Many other users here go by other names… so it is completely possible that people use different names.

To be honest… I don’t remember Alwil asking me for a phone number when I signed up? That option is not in BOLD leading me to believe you can leave that field empty.

Your NOT going to get a phone call though. :wink:
Welcome aboard! ;D

Well, it is really just for statistical purposes and for our internal use - we like to know who our users are. Of course, there are some people which fill there a complete nonsense data (even the email, in which case they will not receive the license key) but you will be surprised how many people enter the real stuff there :wink: !

The data are stored safely and are not misused in any way - we will definitely not call you. If you do not feel comfortable with entering your address/phone, do not do it. But please fill at least the city/country with correct info :slight_smile:



I filled in my info but just wanted to make sure. :slight_smile:

Pavel, why don’t we have a ‘map’ of avast! users (country or city x number of users)?
Some YaBB forums, if I’m not wrong, have this feature on.
What about download statitics be published? I mean, how many copies of each language were downloaded.
How many avast! Pro users are we? 8)

this will be something really interesting to publish… ;D