Newby Help Please

Can someone tell me why when downloading emails the other day 2 suspect emails gave alerts,I tried to delete them but Avast said it could not perform that task, I then tried to send them to the vault but it would not let me, the only way I could get out of the warning screens was to let the emails download, I then manually deleted them without opening them.

I have pasted the report from Avast, the email addresses on the report are not my email address.

Surely this was not the way to to it, what good an anti virus program if it can not delete a virus? OR am I just being a Newby?

Many Thanks

  • Task ‘Resident protection’ used
  • Started on 08 June 2008 15:54:51
  • VPS: 080606-1, 06/06/2008

Incoming email ‘??,???’ From: Sam, To:,,\¶Ì¤l©M¦Ñ±Cªº²Ä¤@¦¸©Ê·R¥Í¬¡.zip#1150273042\¦¦ñl¬Mª-¦C¬¦¦-ñ@ª+¬-+RÑ-¼í.exe\24.sfx.exe\24.exe [L] Win32:AuCrypt [Cryp] (0)
During the file delete, error occurred: The operation is not supported for this type of archive.
While moving file to chest, error occurred: The operation is not supported for this type of archive.
During the file delete, error occurred: The operation is not supported for this type of archive.
During the file rename/move, error occurred: The operation is not supported for this type of archive.
Incoming email ‘???’ From: Sam, To:,,\«a§Æ¦ÇÀY¤gÁyÖö}¯S°Ï.zip#2290421355\½aº¦ª¦+Yñg-y++¦}»S¦-.exe\29.sfx.exe\29.exe [L] Win32:AuCrypt [Cryp] (0)

Welcome to the forums, jamesbradbury. :slight_smile:

Yeah … you are being a newbie. ;D

But seriously, since I use web based email (the more secure way to read/reply to email) I can not be of help.

I am mostly posting so that this will be bumped to the top again as I am sure someone can supply answers for you.

can you delete the messages manually (with your e-mail client)? some operations are not supported for mailboxes, cause we don’t want to make any harm to them…

Thanks for the reply, Maxx.

Yes, he stated in his first post that he eventually deleted them without opening the emails.

So, the answer is that even though avast will detect malware in email as it is downloaded on the computer, avast will not attempt to delete these malwares because of the possibility of harm to the mailbox and/or the mail program.

right… the mailbox can be shared/archived and we can’t touch it at the moment…

Thanks for the advise Guy’s

Yes the 2 emails were deleted using the normal Delete button in Outlook Express, I used a “Block of emails” to delete so that the infected ones did not even open the headers.

Will this problem of not being able to delete emails in Avast be addressed in the future or not?


I would advise that you also empty your deleted emails folder and then compact the folders to completely remove it. From the menu select Tools, Options, Maintenance tab, Clean up now button, Compact.