Running Windows XP Pro. Today Avast did some automatic updates to my computer, and now I cannot access the internet if Avast is running. I did see that something called Avast emergency tried to access the internet about an hour ago. I gave it permission. I’ve just (last twenty minutes or so) run a boot scan on the computer, and Avast didn’t find anything.
Until today I have never had an Avast problem, and I’ve been using the program for many years.
Is it just me, or is there a major glitch in the newest updates? If there is, how do I go about getting it fixed?
I have tried turning off the Behavior shield, but that didn’t solve the problem. My firewall is Zone Alarm Free, the newest version–I think.
No I have the same problem on Windows 7. Internet access completely blocked by Avast 7.0 1456 so no web access and no email sending or receiving. Earlier version of Avast worked fine with all shields turned on.
It still didn’t work. I cannot access the internet with the Avast Shields up.
I removed everything avast from Zone Alarm, including something like 100 avast emulation engines last night. Today when I booted the computer, there were several avast processes–Avast antivirus, avast Emergency Updater, Avast Antivirus Updater, Avast Reg Svr, and Avast Service. Zone Alarm set them after rebooting at the same access option as they were before. I’ve tried it on two different ISPs and with both IE and Firefox. It doesn’t seem to affect my wired connection to my email ISP, IIRC.
I also got an XP blue screen of death this morning. Will do another boot scan immediately.
I’m surprised at all the things in Zone Alarm Applications.
Sorry, I won’t be able to read all the thread again, but you can test uninstalling your firewall, then installing it again; you can test set your proxy (into avast update settings) to none instead of automatic; you can delete the avast! entries into ZA settings, boot and allow avast! to connect again.
I have the same problem:
Using Avast free and Comodo firewall free from years on a XP machine.
Sometime (3-4 times in a day) i can’t access anymore certain sites (not all: some are still reachable). I learnt to stop the “active protection” (i’m using it in italian, so i don’t know what the exact english name) for 10 minutes: i can access the web again, for another 3-4 hours… then i have to do it again.
I know my english is bad, so i’ll try to be really clear with short sentences
Sorry for that.
Comodo and Avast are installed on this PC from… 8 years, i guess, and always kept updated.
Comodo is’nt blocking anything from Avast: i set it as “trusted” at that time and never changed it.
The problem appeared in the last month or so. Never had it before.
I struggled a lot trying to find the cause (removed addons on firefox, checked the router, etc) until i’ve disabled the active protection for 10 min for a faster file moving… and all FF tabs suddenly were reloaded.
The problem appears more times in a day, at random intervals (a matter of hours).
Not all the sites are blocked during the problem: some are reachable, some not. My pop3 checker always works (on multiple accounts/providers).
Suspending the active protection ALWAYS solve the problem, no matter how much time i choose for the suspension.
Between my PCs and the ones of my sons (2 win7, 3 with XP), this PC (XP) is the only one showing the problem.
I have asked another Avast Evang. who also uses Comodo to see if he has any suggestions. As soon as I hear anything, I will let you know or he will respond in this thread. Thank you for your patience.