No Action

When Avast reports everything on my computer as a virus and I choose the NO ACTION tab where does it hide my program files. None will now open and has my firewall blocked. Not a happy camper here >:( ??? guys

If you chose no action, then that is what it does, takes no action so the file should be where it was before, but it won’t allow you run what it considers is infected.

What is the malware name that avast says is the infection as there are file infectors that can infect all your .exe files and some other files.

Same as everyone else is complaining about with this lastest update tonight. Right now I have Avast shut of so I can connect with the world. I had 3 programs I had run for years all of a sudden be flagged with Trojan and no action tab was pushed and they still wouldn’t load. Where is the “Ignore” fucntion located please

Hopefully it well be fixed soon. Thankfully I saw the conflict before other programs got pinched. Can’t get upset though. This is the only problem I have ever had with it and it has saved my computer many times.

As I said the no action, does just that takes none of the actions listed in the choices, but it won’t let files considered infected run. There is no single click ignore option to avoid accidentally clicking that option and allowing an infected file to run. You must use the Exclusions function to manually exclude the file.

So add it to the exclusions lists:
Standard Shield, Customize, Advanced, Add and
Program Settings, Exclusions (right click the avast ’ a ’ icon) Restore it to its original location, periodically check it (scan it in the chest), there should still be a copy in the chest even though you restored it to the original location. When it is no longer detected then you can also remove it from the Standard Shield and Program Settings, exclusions.

I too hope that the FP will be quickly resolved as they have in the past, but that up to a point relies on users submitting the file as a possible false positive, this can also be done using the report as false positive link in the alert window.