No Anti-Virus. =/

Our friend, who built our computer and keeps up the maintenance told us there was no need to install a anti-virus. That “we need to just be careful of the sites we go to.” Well. It’s been a month or so with no anti-virus. Nothing has happened but I’m paranoid to get on the computer and to let my husband on it since the last time he got a virus on it from playsushi. The computer had to be reformatted and that’s when we, mainly I was told not to put a AV back on it. Before I had Avast, Malware Bytes and Zone Alarm. They seem to think that the computer was slower with them on it than it is now… But I’m on it more than them and it’s not. They said that it lags games. But I play the sims 3 with all stuff packs and expansion packs plus a few other small games, and I see no slowness, other than from my own doing, which is on the sims.

I’m sorry for rambling. I just want to know, ah I don’t know. Do I just tell them to stfu and put avast back on? Or at least maleware bytes?
Please, unbiased opinions. lol I know we’re on the avast forum, but I’d really like unbiased opinions…


okay don’t listen to your friend, that’s bs and non-sense, and you’re putting your computer at risk. Just to be clear, I don’t work for Avast… a big percentage of web sites that can get your system infected are legit site whose owners aren’t aware themselves that they’ve been hacked, meaning that browsing safely won’t keep you away from viruses forever. >>> install an AV software ASAP, Avast or anything else, just do it :wink:

Load of uneducated nonsense. You can’t just “be careful”. It’s impossible to do that entirely. If you fear of slowdown, don’t use anything else but avast! Antivirus in connection with Windows Firewall. Also change the browser to Firefox/Opera/Chrome. That should be enough.

Some people are like that, saying online security is a hoax/scam/joke.

Those same type of people ride motorcycles with no helmet.

What is irritating about this is, if someone wants to take a risk themselves, that is ok. But dragging someone else onto a motorcycle with no helmet is plain irresponsible and self-centered. I say to you now, install ANY anti-virus on you PC, at least. Avast! is free and there if you want it, but good lord, get SOMETHING. Outside of your own sphere, you are also possibly spreading malware to other peoples PC, by not protecting yourself, much like not getting yourself vaccinated.

If you really dont want to deal with the online threat problems, there are always alternatives to Windows as a whole, like a Linux OS, very little malware for now,
so less need for security.

Plus: even sites that are deemed safe today (like the ones from governments, schools) could be infected tomorrow. You would only know that when it’s too late.

Thank you all. I’ve re-downloaded Avast and Malewarebytes. They’ll just have to get over it. Because I’m on the computer more than either of them so technically it’s my choice. :slight_smile:

Good to hear. :wink:

If Avast! gives you any problems, or you have any question about the safety/security of your PC, lots of good people here to help you.

To paraphrase Allstate:
You’re in Good Hands With avast!

While I can truthfully say that I could have used my computer for the last 6 months with no security software of any kind installed, it’s not something I would do. There is always that chance of getting something so bad that the only remedy is to completely reformat and maybe lose a lot of data. Not to mention the loss of time reinstalling and updating everything all over again. The very small performance penalties you pay for having things like Firewalls and AV’s are more than worth the feelings and degrees of safety that they provide.

It was just yesterday that avast blocked a trojan download from a site that I have been visiting for years without an incident. So, you just never know when (nor where from) malware will attack your computer. It is just a matter of time and these days, the time gets shorter and shorter.

Your choice of avast and MBAM are very good choices as they work very well together. Make sure you are also using a firewall even if it is just Windows firewall. It is better than nothing.