No ashCmd

I want to use ashCmd to scan a file after it is downloaded, but it is not installed on my computer. Should it have been installed when I installed Avast? How can I now install it? I have Win98 SE with Avast 4.6.603.

Command line scanner is only in the Pro version.
Downloaded files can be scanned with the on-acces scanner.
if you are using a download manager, you can use ashquick for it.

This has already been explained multiple times on this board.
Please use the search option before asking.

ashCmd is present only in avast! 4 Professional (i.e. not avast! 4 Home). What version do you have?

I 1st did a search in Avast help. That’s were I found ashCmd. I do not remember whether it said ashcmd was only in the Pro version. Based on your input, I did a search in the forum for ashquick. I’ll try that with my download manager.