I recently installed Avast. There was a blue ball at the lower right of my screen that revolved from time to time. Now it is no longer there. What does that mean? Does it need to be there and, if so, how do I get it back?
If it is not there, it is either hidden (is there a little arrow on the tray that if you click, more icons appear?) or there is a problem. If there is a problem you could fix it by going into add/remove programs under the contorl pannel. Select avast, and choose repair. If it is just hidden, then it is ok.
Thank you for your reply. The blue ball is not a hidden icon. I went into the control panel as you suggested and updated Avast that way. I then had it scan my C-drive for viruses, which it did. However, the blue revolving “small a” ball icon beside my clock is still not there.
Any suggestions what to do?
go to start, run, type msconfig, click startup tab, and make sure anything that says avast in it is checked, on mine there are 2 “ashmaiav” and “avast” both should be checked and any others on it.
Then reboot.
p.s. im running win98 SE and im not sure if typing msconfig only works on that OS.
Which is your OS?
Do you have any other antivirus installed in your system? (Have any in the past?)
If you do not have other antivirus, the ‘last’ possbility is uninstall / boot / install / boot…
Can you try?
Just installed Avast! on my moms machine this morning.
noticed that “merging icons” in the system tray causes both to disapear! She’s running xp pro sp1a. This doesn’t happen on three other machines that I take care of. ??? Maybe something introduced in more recent program builds?
It’s hard to say if avast “on-access protection” is active but mail scanning works as expected.
uninstall/reinstall fixes it as long as I don’t “merge icons”.
I just read about the tray icon settings in avast4.ini , so next time I’m at my moms house, I’ll play around with them a little.
Anyway, I just thought I’d pass on this info.
Peace, BlairJac
BlairJac, thanks for posting… I have never read this before here in forums…
I’ll wait for the superior wisdom of Alwil 8)
Thanks for everyone’s help. I ended up uninstalling, rebooting, installing, rebooting and then updating avast. I now have the two blue-ball icons beside the clock in the lower right of my screen (avast on-access scanner and avast virus recovery database generator with lower-case “i” inside the blue ball). So far everything seems to be working like when I initially installed avast in May 2004.
A question: since I have re-installed avast today, am I also required to re-register online or do I keep entering my license key number I received when I first installed and registered in May 2004?
You can use the same key. It will expire 14 months after you get it (probably on July 2005). 8)
Thank you for your assistance. I very much appreciate it. Just hope all works well from hereon, but will certainly read this forum regularly to keep updated on other quirks, etc! Again, my thanks!