No database update

hello world
I am an Italian boy, sorry for my English.
I installed Avast Server on Windows server.
I have an internet connection flat.
Avast does not update the virus database.

no aggiornamento database

ciao a tutti
Io sono un ragazzo italiano, scusate per il mio inglese.
Io ho installato Avast Server sul sistema operativo Windows server.
Io ho un collegamento internet flat.
Avast non aggiorna il database dei virus.
Come mai?

did you check any of the logs in the avast server?
read the logs and you will get more information probably…

is it possible that you have a proxy server that is blocking the avast to update, meaning you have to set the proxy in the avast settings…

What are the logs?
My Lan have not a proxy, my LAN has a simple Flat Connection with a router

in the avast GUI, there should be something like LOG VIEWER or something (im not familiar with the server software itself i only use the netclient)

I have not found the GUI.
where is it?

from your startmenu you can start the avast program