no internet access anymore


I am almost desperate…

Since a few days, I cannot connect to the Internet anymore when Avast Free is running (version 12.3.2280 build 12.3.3154.0) on my Windows 8.1 PC. If I disable Avast, my Internet access is working again.

Please help.


Avast 2016: Repair and reset Avast Antivirus >

Avast free doesn’t have a firewall, so it shouldn’t be blocking your internet connection. Disabling avast doesn’t identify the culprit, if there is a conflict removing one part and no conflict, but no proof.

The most likely cause of no connection when using avast free is a firewall blocking avast - what is your firewall ?

Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

Hi jean-luc23,

did this configuration work in the past?
Did you change anything in the time when troubles occured?

Try this: Turn Avast Secure DNS off if you don’t use it.


Thank you for all your answers.

Here are my comments:

  1. Pondus: I tried the repair before posting my question. It didn’t help.

  2. DavidR: I never installed a firewall, but I see that the Windows firewall is up and running. I disabled it, but this does not seem to change anything here. I did not install any other anti-virus software.

  3. stibi: yes, this configuration worked in the past. I did not intentionally change anything related to this matter.

  4. Luukjr: I don’t find any Secure DNS option in the Settings of the Avast user interface (probably not part of the free version).

This last answer gave me the idea to disable all options in the Setting and then to turn them on one at a time. Now that I re-activated all of them, I can still use my browsers to access the Internet. So the problem is gone as strangely as it arrived…

Hoping that this will still work tomorrow morning.

Thanks again for your help.


As far as I’m aware the win8.1 firewall has outbound firewall protection, but it isn’t enabled by default. So that shouldn’t have been the issue.

Hopefully this was a hiccup and you will continue to have access to the internet.

Have you tried this tool:
Complete Internet Repair

It has gotten me out of many scrapes.
Scroll all the way down for the download link.