No Internet Access Icon on Deployed Machines

In the past I had made packages for different groups, however now we’d like to manage it all through the AEA console. Everything looks good except I have the No Internet Access Icon over my networking icon. I do have internet access and I know on previous machines all I had to do was check the box to “scan traffic from well-known browsers processes only” to fix the issue.

So my question is:
Is there anyway I can apply that setting to my packages, so we don’t to manually check it on every machine?

Also, how does one change the password that is requested when you try to disable a shield on a client machine?

Thank you very much,

Nevermind! I found the solution!

To configure the client settings all you have to do is right click on the Computer group in the catalog and change the settings.

I hope this helps somebody else who may have missed it like I did.


Can you post the settings that you changed? I am having the same issue but not seeing a clear set of options that will clear this issue.


Hey Paul,
Here’s what I had to do to fix the No Internet Access issue for my clients:

-Open your AEA Admin Console > Right click on Computer Catalog within the Folder Structure > Choose Properties.

-Then scroll down to Web Shield > Click Main > Then make sure the box “Scan Traffic from well-known browser processes only is checked”

-Then after a reboot on your client machine it will grab the Settings and you shouldn’t have the “No Internet Access” issue.

If that didn’t work or you need any other help, shoot me a message and I’ll see what I can do.