Today I purchased Avast Pro Family Pack, after using the evaluation version of Pro. I received the confirmation email with License.dat attached but I can’t for the life of me figure out where to find the license key I’m supposed to paste in to the ‘about Avast’ dialog box. I saw a how-to video on the web site that shows a section in the file that basically says here’s your license key below, but nothing like that appears in my file, and I’ve read through the whole file - and tried to insert every number sequence I found in the dialog box but they all result in an Invalid Key error message.
I’m no expert with computers but usually pretty good with whatever I need to get done. This has me stumped.
I sent an email to but don’t know how long it will take to get read and replied to.
I don’t know if this works, but I somewhen heard that you can open the .dat-file you received via e-mail with the editor or something like this…
Try to rightclick the file → open with → Editor…
And then you should be able to see the license key in there…
Not sure if this really is possible… but I’m sure someone else will try to help you soon.
Just to clarify: I DID receive an email with a file attached called license.dat, but neither the email, nor the license.dat file (which I opened with notepad) contained anything that was labeled as or looked like a license key.
There were some numbers in the file, and I tried them all, but no luck. :-\
In the avast Pro Family Pack I believe you drop the complete license.dat file into an avast folder.
I think that the Family Pack comes in conjunction with the WHS (Windows Home Server) version, this is an Extract from the WHS Help file.
[b]avast! WHS license information[/b]
The license for avast! WHS is in the style of a license file. You will be sent this, via email, upon making a purchase. You will then need to save the file to your WHS server, ready to be loaded into avast! Once saved, you should open the avast! WHS console, select the licensing option and choose insert license file. You can then browse the file system within the WHS server, for where you saved the file, select the file, and click OK. The file will then be loaded into avast!
Should you have purchased the ‘avast! Professional Family Pack’, then this includes avast! professional licenses for upto 10 machines (in your household). The license information for this is included within the license file and can be deployed to each machine by selecting the Deploy avast! professional edition license to all computers button.
So I don’t know how you would apply the license.dat file if you aren’t also running the WHS version with the avast Pro Family Pack. Is there no help file with that which can give you a pointer.
Well I don’t use the same version you have, but the bold text in my quote from the WHS version refers to the ‘avast! Professional Family Pack’ and “the Deploy avast! professional edition license to all computers button.” so there must be some sort of Console or control function for this.
Unfortunately I can’t be any practical help as I don’t use the same version as you.
I have asked for clarification (you aren’t the only one to whom this will be of interest) on how you go about deploying the licenses if you aren’t using the WHS Edition which effectively comes with the family pack.
It certainly seems strange of sales to say you can apply for a refund, I would have thought that they would have said how to go about that also. I would hold of for a short time to see if we can get clarification on how to deploy the licenses.
I’m not sure there is a license in the license.dat file (as your title states), but if so in theory you can’t use the same one on multiple copies of avast pro, which would mean there would need to be 10 in the license.dat file. This would be a waste of license numbers as it is I would think unlikely that a family in the one home has 10 systems.
Bought the Avast Pro Family Pack today and have run into the same problem. The License.dat file that I received in my email does not contain any obvious license keys. There is a single long series of characters at the very bottom that starts with ASWSign but have not had any success with it.
exactly the same in my license.dat file - nothing that looks like a license key (although I tried them all), and one long series of numbers at the end starting with ASWSign - tried pasting that in too but still got an error.
I sent another, longer email to the person who suggested I ask for a refund, will all the details I could think of.
I hereby confirm that there is a problem with the license generator (it seems that in some cases, it fails to include the Pro license keys in the Pro Family Pack license file). We’re looking into it and hoping for a quick resolution.
Received this today:
“avast! pro family pack is a product designed for people with a Windows Home server (this is why you received a license file) + a number of workstations.”
I don’t think that this is made clear in the online product description.
In my case, I indicated that I would request a refund for the Family Pack (which I’ve done), and then just buy a license for the one computer that’s used for business. I’ll use the free version for my other two computers. The person who emailed me agreed that this would be my best option.
I hope that solutions can be worked out for others.