no more incoming yahoo mails


I’ve just installed avast on my mac 10.8. I’ve also unchecked the SSL in mail on my several accounts and added the SMTP servers into avast. Everything works fine for my gmail and hotmail account but not for my yahoo account…

Is there something else to configure ?

up :smiley:

I have the same problem with my Yahoo mail. Running OSX 10.8. Mail Shield is enabled in avast!; is in the avast! Mail Shield SSL list; SSL is unchecked in the Mail Preferences.

The mail never refreshes. I have had to disable the Mail Shield and turn SSL on in the Mail preferences in order to receive my mail.

Anyone have an idea of how to get this to work?

Running avast! for the Mac v7.0 (37682). Gmail using IMAP and the recommended avast! settings works file. It’s just Yahoo mail that’s a problem.

Are there any related error messages in the system log (/var/log/system.log)?

That’s the strange thing, I can’t seem to find any logs that would indicate an error. It’s just like it never makes the connection to retrieve the mail.

To answer your question, the /var/log/system.log is empty. Nothing in it whatsoever.

Any thoughts?

The problem is in the yahoo IMAP server - it sends responses violating
the IMAP syntax (missing SP in “resp-text” rule of RFC3501 ABNF). This
can be observed in the system log as “Defective IMAP response” error

There will be a workaround for this issue in the mailshield comming with
the next avast! update (as well as another workaround for another
RFC 3501 violation in the iCloud IMAP server).

Thanks tunic! I’m looking forward to this next release.