i wiped and re-installed Win 10 (1607) Pro today on an isolated system and after i installed Avast free antivirus 17.1.2286 on it i discovered that the offline registration function has been removed… is it going to be trashed/deactivated in 30 days when the initial period expires?
i was only offered two options: online registration and to insert the code (three groups separated with TWO dashes) or keyfile for a paid version.
the bottom section of the interface where i was supposed to click for offline registration of Avast free was missing.
is offline registration no longer allowed for Avast free antivirus v17?
In fact, program is a trial for 30 days. Now, it is automatically converted in free if the user does not take an action. He/She will be losing the premium features automatically too.
Take a look at the “Subscription” page and you will find that indeed no e-mail address is required. It does tell you the expiration date as it did before.
Добрый день. В прошлых версиях вашего продукта можно было зарегистрироваться offline, в новой версии не нашел такой возможности, как теперь можно ввести код без подключения к сети интернет?
К сожалению регистрация офлайн в последних версиях Avast недоступна. Вам необходимо подключение к интернету для нормального функционирования Avast.
The Avast Support Team
Good afternoon. In previous versions of your product could create of offline, the new version did not find such a possibility, it is now possible to enter the code without having to connect to the Internet?
Thank you.
Unfortunately offline registration in recent versions of Avast available. You need an internet connection to function properly Avast.
Oh no i can’t use offline registration, i’m sure the avast team have their attention about this offline registration to prevent hacking license keys (or else), but they must know not all of us (users) have internet on their home.
this is very dissapointed to us (especially me), should rely on other Anti Virus