Ever since my wife got a new phone I cant send a command to her phone…I have android 4.1.2 on my older phone…she has android 4.4.4 on her newer phone with Avast re-installed…when I send a regular LOCATE command her phone receives the password and the word LOCATE…If I try to use what I think is the “Portal” to send a command Avast just replies “Can Not send SMS” … I dont know if i’m typing her phone number correctly…I dont understand the + … but nothing i’ve tried anymore works and it used to work fine…I’ve posted this issue before but no one is helping.…one fellow asked if her phone is rooted…I dont know.
one fellow asked if her phone is rooted...I dont know.Ask her or find out.
I dont understand the +Looks like you don't know about country numbers used in phone numbers.
she has android 4.4.4 on her newer phone with Avast re-installedIf it is a new phone, you/she didn't reinstall avast on it since a new phone doesn't come with avast installed.
Already read the manual?
Thanks ASYN and Eddie … but I still dont get it…My wifes phone number normally is 1-515-250-6691 … instead of giving me a link to a page that still doesnt give an EXAMPLE … please can you give me an example…I tried putting a + in front of my above example but Avast just says “Can Not Send SMS” … Neither of us know if her phone is rooted … we bought it at the Verizon store and thats all we know…surly every phone owned by neophites like us cant be having problems with Avast SMS commands…I did install Avast on her new phone … from scratch…and it seems to be happily installed…icon is there…menus work…etc…are we saying that all phones must be rooted for Avast SMS to work? … OR are we saying that the Avast “Portal” must be used now to send SMS commands? Its not working either way for us and without the LOCATE command Avast is just about useless to us. Thanks for trying to Help.
Eddy provided the manual, did you read it…?
@ dsmbluesfan
I would suggest that you modify the telephone number the important part is the country code and area code the last element her number doesn’t change. That would prevent possible harvesting on a publicly available forum.
e.g. 1-515--*
Anti Theft is not automatically installed and configured even if you install Avast. Make sure Anti Theft is also configured on the new phone.
Anti-theft can only be installed if the phone has been rooted, unless you have already rooted the phone then the anti-theft can’t be automatically installed.
Yes, anti-theft can be installed on a non rooted phone.
Just certain options will not work.
i know this is old but ill still leave a comment…
why do some of you think buying a cell phone from Verizon would be a rooted phone rooted phones can be a pain in the @$$.
I cannot see verizon selling someone a rooted cell phone another thing if it is a Verizon phone there shouldn’t be a reason to root it The cell phone version is like yr old according to the date on this topic …
If avast worked fine on the older version and does not work on new version then something is not updated or is missing in the new version…
i would of took it back to Verizon tell them to fix it… One reason why some updates suck.
No one who has responded to dsmbluesfan’s topic/posts (other than yourself) has mentioned Verizon in this very old topic.
Certainly we don’t believe it, as most branded phones come with their one customisations and aren’t rooted. In many cases rooting the phone will invalidate the warranty.