No pop up showing new definitions updated 2015 avast pro

I have and use avast pro - And since the update 2015 I have not seen any popup
To say your avast antivirus virus definitions have been updated… ?
I have it set to update every 120 minutes but haven’t seen any popup message
To say virus definitions have been updated…

I have no problem updating manually…


Same here.So far I really don’t like the latest version.

Hi, these popups were removed from V2015 as in fact with streaming updates you are getting ~200 updates/day. So showing a message that virus database has been updated twice a day isn’t correct. In case your virus definitions will be too old we will advise you to make manual update. Otherwise no manual updates needed.

Thanks Martin :slight_smile:
I was wondering as why I haven’t seen the popup messages!

A shame if they have been removed as it always gave you popup message saying
Your antivirus definitions have been updated knowing - and giving the satisfaction
That all has been updated and the sense that all is working well - Will Miss those popups…

Thanks for the prompt reply…


OK, but it seems to me that the options to set up the pop up updates (and sounds) are still present in Settings → General. Are they leftovers with no actual use? ???

They control also other types of messages.

There’s my question answered. I’ll miss the “Pirate Talk” announcements.

Frankly, I am uncomfortable without “VPS Update Notification”.
Its seems it’s all or nothing. Where’s the options?

It might not be correct, but it does give many users a bit of comfort to know
that a “major” vps update has occurred. Also having the option to untick/disable
vps update pop-ups worked fine for those who didn’t like the pop-ups. My main
qualm was the incorrect (advertising) or the piggy-back (vps with advertising)

Count me as another user who would prefer to see the VPS pop-up return. . . .

That’s all very nice but… My ISP bills my data consumption based on 1000MB=1GB not 1024MB (lets not go there) so with “streaming updates” will I now see a considerable increase in data usage? BTW since installing the 2015 version, my system has become considerably slower, maybe because Avast is so busy streaming:-))


You can disable streaming updates if you want or need to.

Setting > Update

Click on setting under virus definitions and uncheck Enable streaming updates

My streaming today does not go over 600 KB an that is also counting in VPS 14120801.

I also feel very uncomfortable not knowing if my Avast has updated its virus definitions during the day, or for that matter, if it is getting the stream updates. I have to open Avast to check it out.

Waiting for Avast to alert you of not having an updated virus definitions is not logical. The logical procedure is for Avast to tell you it has updated its VPS.

It does not matter if you say that streaming and VPS are working in the background silently. What if they are not ? How long would it take Avast to alert that the virus definitions are out of date. 1, 2, 3 days ? Meanwhile you can pass the cursor over Avast icon and read “your system is secured”, but it is not. Avast has to be opened to read what version vps it has or how many stream updates has received to be sure everything is working as it should be. Illogical. Totally illogical.

I, for one, want my update notifications back or something that allows me to know Avast has updated its db this day without the need to open it.

I also opt for notification because before I had an accident when update failed and I would never know that if that box did not appear. Also I don’t understand why the two type of updates is needed, I mean normal update and streaming update.

Regular/normal vps updates include all of the streaming updates since the last one.
From another thread, yes streaming updates happen around every 3 to 5 minutes 24/7.
The reason is that malware is created that fast so for better protection the fine people
at avast makes every effort to make sure we/you get the latest protection. 8)


I kind of like the no pop up for updates, even though it gave a peace of mind knowing it was updated.
Even when the update pop up showed in previous versions I missed most since my cable connection is on 24/7 and some update pop ups came when I was away from pc.
Just hover over the orange tray icon to know it`s protected.
If you want more,just open avast–statistics–component status–updates, and done.

I kind of like the no pop up for updates, [b]even though it gave a peace of mind knowing it was updated[/b].
you get a error mark on tray icon or popup if something is wrong ;)

I agree that removing the popups is better since streaming updates are quite frequent. Then avast! has to differentiate between small streaming updates and major updates to show the popup. I have gotten used to the no popup and a quick hover when I feel like it to see that all is ok. My avast>statistics>component status>updates shows >160 updates in last 24 hours. I am sure I don’t want a popup every few minutes.

To me, this seems to be the main issue. I can do without the pop-ups (and audible announcement) of definition updates as well, but I was confused to find the “Update popups” still appearing under settings – set to display at a default of 20 seconds. So while I appreciate that there are other types of popup messages, as MartinZ notes, if the Update popups are no longer implemented, that particular one should be deleted from the settings to avoid confusion. It appears to do nothing.