no response to refund ticket.

Hi I put in a ticket request for a refund on my avast total support on Nov 30th and have yet to even get a response. I was wondering if anyone here could help out. My ticket ID EKK-239-56876 thank you.

It’s now already been one month and now it’s January! Normally ticket support replies comes within 7 days or a bit more. Tickets are handled as 1st come 1st serve basis that sort of thing. If you add additional comments it will push back your ticket in the back of the line. I will try to draw some attention to your post. Your replies by Avast might take a while. Be patience.

Happy New Year :slight_smile:

I am in the same boat. The other thing with mine is my bank is getting pretty ticked off because my account is over drawn (its an account that I never use and had very little money in, probably a few cents) and I refuse to put money in it because I didn’t authorize the money to be taken out! I haven’t heard a peep from this company since submitting my ticket back in January. Its very frustrating!

Sorry to hear about your frustrations. I have contacted an avast employee to check into this issue.
Since it’s now the weekend it might be sometime next week before you get a response. Please be patient.
Please keep in mind we are volunteer users who like helping others.

Please post your ticket numbers so they can trace yours down.

I have ask for a refund on March @, 2015 and no one has responded . Has not shouwn up in bank acct. Boy they know how to withdraw it quickly.

If you can provide more information it helps us to help you.
When did you purchase the avast product and which one was it ?

When in March did you seek a refund (as refunds can take up to 10 working days to complete)?
If your payment was by bank transfer, that can take time to actually be transferred into avasts account. Up until that is cleared there won’t be a record of the cleared purchase.

What is the support ticket ID number ?